Nikki Jordan Nikki Jordan

Update: I Stayed Committed

For the first 21 days of the new year I went on a Vegan fast…I felt so good during the fast that I made the decision to keep up most of the practices even after the fast was over. I committed to no meat and very little dairy. Well as life would have it the day after the fast was my husband’s birthday.

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Nikki Jordan Nikki Jordan

Yes, I’m an Addict!

It’s the new year, and while others are making new years resolutions I am busy trying not to fall back into old habits. My habit of choice? No it’s not drugs or alcohol, but it is something that gives me the same kind of high while indulging in it.

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Nikki Jordan Nikki Jordan

I Got My First Compliment! (Don’t mess up)

Whenever I would receive a compliment instead of taking it as motivation, I would take it as an opportunity to “cheat”…giving in to these cravings would start me on the downward spiral of one cheat meal becoming a cheat week, then a cheat month, until eventually I’m having a full blown affair.

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Nikki Jordan Nikki Jordan

Don’t Delay, Start Today!

In the past when I wanted to start yet another diet (a word I have grown to hate, but we’ll talk about that another day). I would wait to start because in my mind I would need to do a complete overhaul of my kitchen, throw everything away, spend $300 at the store getting all new groceries and things that I needed along with a brand new gym membership. Only to throw my body into complete shock and tire myself out in a few weeks, eventually leading to me quitting. Again!

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