I Got My First Compliment! (Don’t mess up)

This morning started off as any other morning. I hit snooze on my alarm clock one too many times, got dressed in a hurry, microwaved my breakfast and headed out the door. Once I got to work I was talking to my colleagues about the latest drama in the 7th grade hall when suddenly my coworker stopped mid sentence, took a step back, looked me up and down and said “So what are you doing to lose weight because I can see the transformation?” WOW! I wasn’t expecting that. I was in such shock that I stared at her with my mouth wide open for at least a minute straight.

As you all know I had recently reignited my health journey but I didn’t think anyone could see results yet. I mean it had only been a few weeks. 

I was so happy that I began to tell her all about my health journey and my new outlook on goal setting (I’ll talk about that another time) and how I even started a blog to document the journey. I was so enthralled in the conversation that I almost forgot about my students waiting for me in class so I thanked her profusely for the compliment and we went our separate ways. 

Then, panic set in...

Let me explain. In the past when I have been on diets I would have some success, but the moment I would receive a compliment everything would go down hill. You see, this health journey is much more of a mental journey than a physical one. Sometimes I’m mentally battling my food addiction, other times I am mentally battling myself; and receiving a compliment was definitely a battle within myself. 

Whenever I would receive a compliment instead of taking it as motivation, I would take it as an opportunity to “cheat”. In my mind I had done so well that I had earned a little leeway to eat that sugary snack that’s been calling my name all week or that big juicy cheeseburger that I have been craving since Tuesday. However, giving in to these cravings would start me on the downward spiral of one cheat meal becoming a cheat week, then a cheat month, until eventually I’m having a full blown affair.

This has happened numerous times, hence my panic after my coworker complimented me. But this time I am ready for the battle. This time I have a new weapon.  I have put certain things in place this time so that I don’t fall into those same traps such as an accountability partner as well as this blog. 

This blog has been a HUGE mental help for me. All those negative thoughts that I have held onto for so long, I am releasing them here. No longer will I allow them to have control over me and hold my success hostage.  

So, thank you Dr. George for my first compliment. I promise I will use it to fuel me, not derail me!


Yes, I’m an Addict!


Don’t Delay, Start Today!